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Writer's Guidelines

Information For Writers


The Tocquevillian is a magazine of conservative news and opinion. One of several publications, The Tocquevillian editorial policy comes down solidly and unabashedly on the Constitutional Conservative side - not libertarian, not liberal, not middle-of-the-road.


The Tocquevillian is dedicated to the dissemination of Truth and the rebuttal of political and cultural lies and distortions and is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Tocquevillian believes in and advocates individual rights and attendant responsibilities, as ordained by God and as established by our nation's Founders in our Declaration of Independence and its subordinate guidance, our Republic's Constitution. We believe that rights are endowed by God and that the only legitimate purpose of government is to secure and defend those rights.

The Tocquevillian believes in the rule of law, in the existence of moral absolutes, and that the preservation of liberty depends on a moral populace.

- Wayne Lutz, Founder and Editor-in Chief

Writer's Guidelines:

The Tocquevillian Magazine welcomes the submission of timely articles of interest to Constitutional Conservatives. We prefer to work with established writers, but are always willing to consider the work of new and previously unpublished writers. Here is what we will look for when we review your work:

  • Feature articles should be no less than 750 words and no more than 1200 words.
  • Opinion pieces should be 750 words.
  • Articles written for The Tocquevillian should be broken into short paragraphs, and the use of subheadings is encouraged if appropriate.
  • Article manuscripts are accepted by e-mail only.
  • Articles written for The Tocquevillian must deliver a strong and unique "voice." Write declarative sentences, avoid the passive voice.
  • We strongly recommend that you read George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language."
  • Articles of opinion in particular must maintain a tight focus, and they must reach a logical conclusion. If your prose is rambling, whiny or self-serving it will be rejected.
  • Articles of opinion should deal with timely cultural or political topics.
  • Articles on local issues or personalities are appropriate only if the theme has ideological significance to a wider audience.
  • The writer must display a thorough knowledge of his subject.
  • Any information presented as fact will be verified by our fact-checkers.
  • Slander and libel are not "opinion." Present your arguments with calm, methodical, unassailable logic, not hysterical hyperbole. That is not to say that your prose should be dry and dull - far from it. We want to see your passion through clever use of the language. If you can distinguish between hysteria and passion, you've hit the mark. A knack for humor and a solid sense of the absurd is always welcome.
  • If your manuscript is accepted it will be edited for content and for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and usage. Editing of content or style only will be verified as acceptable to the author prior to publication.

Current needs:

We are currently particularly interested in seeing investigative feature articles, interviews with public figures, and book reviews.


The Tocquevillian no longer accepts advertising. As a result, we no longer solicit articles. Articles published cannot be paid. Therefore, if you choose to submit an article to us for consideration, and if we decide to publish, you will retain all rights to your material.


All work submitted for consideration by The Tocquevillian should be sent as plain, unformatted text within the body of an e-mail. We will not open attachments. Submissions should be sent to the editor - in - cheif or the managing editor at eic @ tocquevillian . com with the word "submission" somewhere in the subject. You are also welcome to submit ideas for articles which we can then discuss, with the understanding that no decision on purchasing the piece will be made until the completed work has been reviewed.