Wayne Lutz
Mr. Lutz is the editor-in chief of The Tocquevillian magazine.
He is also a freelance journalist and editor, and has written
extensively on health and fitness topics, and on men's issues.
He is a member of the NRA, the Home School Legal Defense Association,
the Heritage Foundation, and Judicial Watch. In his spare time
he helps old ladies cross the street and is kind to children and
puppies - habits which, admittedly, belie his unusual appearance.
Bring On Them Bible-thumping,
Gun-Toting, Flag-Waving, Ass-Kicking Rednecks.
by Wayne Lutz
July 16, 2003
What most folks call
a Redneck, ain't nothin' but a workin' man, says Charlie Daniels,
and if you've ever had the desire to see a member of the liberal
intelligentsia turn purple, just lift up his rock and remind
the slug beneath that them there working-man types is a solid
majority in these parts. It's the inability of the liberal elite
to understand this that will be responsible for the up-coming
thrashing of the increasingly left-leaning Democratic party
in the 2004 elections.
The liberal politicos are making a serious mistake, you see,
in badmouthing Bush and his strong leadership. Us working-man
types are finally fed up. The disgust in the American Heartland
is almost palpable, and the breaking point is near. After
eight years of the unctuous "statesmanship" of the
lying, thieving, calculating Clinton gang, Americans en masse
are embracing a man after their own hearts - a man who, when
faced with a challenge, dares to say "bring it on."
I can think of some past presidents and military leaders
who'd have chuckled at the mildness of that retort. But not
our current crop of Democritical rodents - oh, no. John Kerry
is as good an example as any of the pantywaist Saddam enablers
who would rather see the United States defeated than suffer
the indignity of being caught using the salad fork for the
shrimp cocktail.
"Bush's comment," said Senator Kerry, "was
unwise, unworthy of the office and his role as commander-in-chief,
and unhelpful to American soldiers under fire. The deteriorating
situation in Iraq requires less swagger and more thoughtfulness
and statesmanship."
Has any man ever been more wrong - about anything? What the
timid Kerry calls "swagger" is the American attitude
in motion - the very attitude backed by will-do action that
has carried American fighting men to victory for generations,
and has, under George W. Bush, prevented another major terrorist
attack on American soil.
While you'd never know it if you get your news from the big
papers and networks, the American Redneck is alive and well
and still itching for a fight after September 11th. He's waving
his flag, thumping his bible and checking his ammo, and God
bless 'em, because he and his fellows of the majority are
also sneering at the likes of Kerry and his own fellows -
the doom-and-gloomers and their anti-American accomplices
in the media. The flag-wavers exist still, in vast numbers,
and wouldn't understand how it is that "flag-wavers"
could possibly be intended as a derogatory label.
This month's issue of the Tocquevillian Magazine is a Redneck's
delight - a veritable hog-fest of all-American neighborhoods,
proms, pop-psychology and political incredulity. We're enjoying
ourselves immensely, and that is perhaps the most damning
testimony of all against the sweat-beaded mewlings of the
anti-Bush, anti-America crowd.
Living well is the best revenge, to coin a phrase, and ain't
no one lives better than a Redneck.
Bring it on, libs.
2003 Tocqevillian Magazine