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Geoff Metcalf

Geoff Metcalf is an author, syndicated columnist and radio talk-show host. Visit his website at http://www.geoffmetcalf.com

Geoff Metcalf Archives

Mr. Metcalf is the author of In The Arena:

"A fascinating collection of interviews with newsmakers, gadflys, and characters. Many of the issues, although significant and compelling, have been overlooked or ignored by the mainstream."

    Shooting The Messenger
    by Geoff Metcalf

    September 10. 2003

    For over a decade I have been telling radio audiences and writing columns grounded on two key principles.

    1. Some people just don't like to be confused with facts that contradict their preconceived opinions or prejudices.

    2. It is not a question of WHO is right or wrong but WHAT is right or wrong that counts.

    I believe the three founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights) the framers gifted us with are (or should be) the foundation for the republic.

    I am also a realist and recognize the need to think and act strategically as well as tactically.

    My comments, and columns regarding the California Recall election have sparked some interesting negative reaction from some long time readers and listeners (once upon a time supporters).

    Some conservative web sites and talk show hosts may feel compelled to preach to the choir…but carrying coals to Chelsea merely ignores the elephant in the room.

    One recent email claimed, "You and other talk show hosts who preach conservative values and then support Arnold over McClintock undermine everything you profess to stand for. You rationalize it away anyway you want, it makes you a liberal."

    Another longtime listener wrote, "Well, we knuckle draggers are never going to vote for a Kennedy Socialist named Arnold S. If you will not vote your principles, then you do not have principles. We have listened to you for many years, but you have now changed…???? You have SOLD OUT Geoff."

    Both are well-intended, loyal Republicans but tragically wrong in both their observations and insights.

    My principles remain in tact. This is a reality check and actually a means of advancing a conservative agenda nay Sayers 'should' embrace.

    The republic suffers as a result of the liberal elite's incrementalism. This is true at the national, state, and local level. The left has chipped away at the essence of what the framers gifted and it cannot be restored overnight.

    The 'politically correct'/socialist agenda has been advanced incrementally. Those who would seek to restore the essence of what America is 'supposed' to be need to recognize the battle is a 'process' not an event.

    We must nibble our way back to fundamental constitutional principles and actions but we can't do that if we don't have access to the power to change it.

    From a Republican perspective Arnold is flawed and Tom McClintock is perfect.

    However, Tom McClintock cannot win. Frankly, he is being ill served by consultants and his 'court' distorting facts and blowing smoke. Apparently none of those advising McClintock has the courage or perception to acknowledge, "The Emperor has no clothes."

    McClintock has a remarkable opportunity to be the king maker and leverage himself into THE power player in the GOP despite a reciprocal antipathy shared by him and party insiders.

    Senator McClintock lost a VERY close race for state Controller in the last election. He was the best performing statewide republican candidate and he still holds a festering anger for the GOP establishment bureaucrats he feels did not adequately support his Controllers campaign. He felt that if 'the party' had provided him with more financial support he could have and should have won the Controllers race. He may be right. However picking at that scab will only result in infection.

    IF Tom hangs in to the bitter end (and it will be bitter) he will be the Ralph Nader 'spoiler' for the republicans and hand the election to Bustamante. He will become a pariah and destroy what could be a stellar political career.

    According to the most recent polling data from both parties there is a statistical dead heat between Schwarzenegger and Bustamante. Some polls have Arnold ahead, some have Cruz ahead…but in each case the variance is within the margin of error (plus or minus three points). McClintock (despite what he is being told by advisers) is positioned to play the role of spoiler. Democrats are praying McClintock hangs tough.

    Arnold (with warts, blemishes and flaws) is uniquely capable of fighting the liberal dems AND can and will help get 'real' republicans elected.

    If orthodoxy makes it impossible for right wing sycophants to see the potential benefits (short term AND long term) they are tragically myopic.

    My 'support' for Arnold is not an abandonment of my conservative principles or acceptance of the unacceptable. It is a REALITY CHECK and intended to help the state and eventually conservatives.

    I love Tom McClintock but he can't and won't win. Cruz Bustamante would be a cipher for puppet masters hidden in shadow (Willie Brown and political consultant Richie Ross).

    I can (and do) support Arnold because he serves 'our' ultimate objective
    of restoring the republic despite his demonstrated liberal proclivities.

    Hate me if you must or agree to disagree but don't shoot the messenger: Arnold can win...McClintock serves as a useful tool for the democrats.

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